Friday, May 17, 2013

Kindness Wins

“It seems we can’t go ANYWHERE” one of my friends recently stated.

First we were all afraid to fly.

Then we couldn’t go to the movies.

Even worse, we couldn’t even send our kids to school without worry.

And now, we can’t run marathons or cheer from the sidelines.

Where did goodness go?

I look at all the tragedy, the hurt, the pain and I think,

what tragic and hurt and painful life is hiding inside the evil of the offenders?

It makes me angry and it makes me sad.

Angry that the world is this way. Angry that evil’s broad hand has such a cruel reach.

Sad at the heart that is being cultivated in our nations right now.

Sad that my kids are growing up with these realities. 

Sad that it gets more and more difficult to shield them from these events with all the social media and propaganda.

We don’t watch TV, I would stay off Facebook, but the media gets in.

And so, I change my strategy.

I search

“Positive stories from _________” {the sad event.}

And somewhere in all the mess,

I find goodness.



I find heroic and kind people.


And decide not to give up on the world.
That for every bad person in the world, there are thousands of GOOD.

That I will add to the good  
and do my best to raise my boys in faith,



and goodness.

And to intentionally seek out the kindness in the world ourselves.

Because, after all, kindness wins.

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people" (Galations 6:10)
When was the last time you saw someone doing something good? What acts of kindness have you witnessed lately?
Share more acts of kindness on Facebook and Instagram #kindnesswins
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