Wednesday, July 10, 2013

{WIW} Value

When you look in  the mirror, what do you see?

Do you see someone big? Small? Ugly? Pretty? Significant? Or insignificant?

There is a battle raging.

It's keeping you from achieving your dreams...

It's keeping you from reaching your potential...

It's keeping you from accomplishing your goals.

There are no soldiers.

There is no supernatural course of nature.

There is no uncontrollable force.

There is only one  thing.


The voice in your head.

The voice that tells you you can't.

You're not good enough.

You're not worthy.

You are not enough.

But I am here to tell you that YOU ARE.

That the steady mantra inside your head needs to be replaced with the marching shouts of confidence.

And that when you look in the mirror you see


{Old Navy "Diva" skinny jeans and Old Navy ballet flats. The shirt was a gift. Smile}



and Beauty.

 Because you are beautiful

in His eyes.

That  your dreams are there for the taking.

That you have what you need to acheive your goals.

That your potential is withing reach.

And you are enough.

Sharing at The Pleated Poppy

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I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. {Eph. 1:18}

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  1. What a great post! Thank you for creating and sharing! I kind of needed to hear it today too.

    Come link up with me at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday!

  2. Hi I came over from The Pleated Poppy! Nice post, I thank you. A lot of times I need to hear those words...Beautiful strong and valuable.

    I am your newest follower

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words ladies! You are so sweet! I'm glad you were encouraged today. God bless!!

  4. Super post... amazing- and you are dang Beautiful! Love ya lil lady!

  5. Reannah, you are beautiful, inside and out :) Great post!

  6. Such a great post and a great reminder of the way God feels about us!

  7. Oh this is so good. I needed to read this today, especially after being overly critical of my post baby number three self. Thank you.

  8. You my friend r a gem. So happy to call you friend. Great post!


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