The refrigerator was my 'go-to' place for the longest time - until I got a stainless fridge that is non-magnetic. :( My boys, out of habit, will tape their work to the front of the fridge (now reserved for the newest piece of art or most proud work.) but I knew I had to find another system. This is what I came up with:
I had four 12" square cork board panels already on hand. (I think I bought them at Target – sorry I don’t have any before pics) I had been waiting for something to do with these panels and when I bought my new fridge, I immediately knew!
I went to Michaels craft store when they were having a frame sale and bought four black 12" square frames.
General Directions:
1. REMOVE the glass from the 12” picture frames.{Maybe you can save the glass for another project?}
2. Insert the 12” cork board panel like you would a picture. {Depending on your frame, you may need to trim down the cork board - I didn't though.}
3. Insert the backing to the frame and you are done!!
Here is a picture of the four frames hung in my hallway:
Close up:
And the final display – I bought clear push pins to easily pin up, display, and change out the artwork!
Close up:
My boys love that they have a place that highlights their hard work! I even pin up things they write! I hope you enjoy this project! I would love to hear of any creative ideas you have for displaying your child’s art!
God Bless xoxo
This project is linked up here:
ok so this is such a good idea! I am doing this in the fall when Jet goes to preschool again. Much better presentation than the pictures taped on the wall as i did last year.
Thanks for the sweet comments Carey!! I'd love to see pics if you do the cake stands or this art gallery!!! {PS - you're on my sidebar ---->} :o) Love your blog too! :)
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