What an exciting weekend of Halloween and fall fun! Did you enjoy it? My son had such a good time he got sick! BOO:(
Taking him trick or treating for an hour didn’t help him heal either. #momoftheyear
But Halloween only happens once a year right? It started with making treats. (Doesn’t it always start that way?)
These are gingersnap cookies I made with cream cheese frosting ghosts on top!
In addition, I had a dance performance at a benefit dinner this weekend. I got to dress up (which is always fun) and we got some amazing food!!! I WISH I knew how to make these dishes!!
Are you ready for some costumes??
Dressing up is so much fun! Our church had a costume dance and a few of us dressed up as modern day Disney princesses. I went as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. This photo was not the Disney Princess photo, but it was one of my favorites from the night!
Then for the big show (Halloween trick or treating) I went as Katniss from The Hunger Games. I loved the books and the movie! So, of course, I had to be “The girl who was on fire".”
That’s my “don’t mess with me I’m Katniss Everdeen” face. lol What you can’t really tell in this picture is that my center flame is a cutout in my shirt and my iPhone is inserted behind it with a fire app so my shirt glowed like a real flame!
And finally, the best picture of all – my two little men. The Masked Man and Calvin & Hobbes!
Little man had to have a black eye. He said Hobbes gave it to him. lol
To make sure people got the Calvin and Hobbes reference I made his treat bag this year:
I drew the picture with pencil and then went over it with sharpie so it looked sketched. I’m not an artist, so I’m pretty pleased with how this bag turned out! What do you think?
How about you? How did you celebrate Halloween? What were some of the best costumes YOU saw this year?
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