Do you enter giveaways? If you don’t, you should really give it a try! When I first started blogging I thought “I’ll never win.” Or “It must be hard to enter – what do I do?” NOW, however, I sing a different tune! Because, yes, giveaways are all over the place – but they are SO EASY to enter! Some are as simple as leaving one comment on a Facebook page or blog post! And someone has to win – so why not you?
I wanted to give a special thank you to the following ladies for offering up giveaways of their lovely creations! I am so excited to not only share these prizes but share some pretty cool women as well. If you haven’t heard of any of these websites, I suggest you hurry on over and check them out!
One of the first prizes I won was this headband from JandM’s Eye Candy!
Actually, I won credit to shop at her store – and let me tell you, I had such a hard time deciding what to buy! Kristine makes some of the most beautiful headbands, clips and necklaces. It makes me wish I had a little girl to spoil with all her shop’s eye candy! And it IS eye candy! I got several compliments on it the first day I wore this headband! :) I chose yellow because I love the color but don’t have a lot of yellow accessories! I love it!
Yellow is quickly becoming my new favorite color! Aaand this headband goes perfect wiiiith, prize number 2!
Next, I won this SHINE ON t-shirt giveaway from the lovely Ashley at The Shine Project.
What Ashley is doing to change the world will amaze you. She and her blog are so inspiring! Check her out!
I wore this shirt at the Breakfast Together Outreach we serve at on Sunday mornings. I love that no matter when I wear it, I’ll remember to let my light SHINE! Thank you Ashley for being an inspiration in my life. xoxo
And finally…
I JUST found out that I won a jewelry giveaway from Rebecca at The Crafted Sparrow!

I got to pick a flower Cabachon ring and a set of earrings! I think I’m going to go with yellow again. It will complete the outfit above. ;o) And I have entered several giveaways for a ring like this and never won! So, I am so excited to not only win one, but win won from Rebecca!! She is also a woman of faith and is a joy to work with! I also know she makes quality jewelry because I won a necklace from her shop a few months ago!! :o)
I feel so fortunate to have been the recipient of these awesome prizes! I wanted to be sure I sent a special thank you to each of these ladies for sharing their creativity with all of us! Be sure to stop by their pages and say hi! I am so blessed to know you girls! Thanks again ladies!
If you haven’t thought of entering a giveaway – you really should! Have you won a giveaway before or are you having a giveaway right now? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to check out the site and share in your joy too! Have a great week! God Bless! xo

I have also won a giveaway so that makes me think why not enter in all the ones that come my way, whats the harm anyways :) :)
You are ROCKIN' that Eye Candy girl!! Love how it matches PERFECT with your Shine shirt!!! Thanks so much for sharing!! I appreciate it so much! :)))
congrats!!! that is awesome!
oh how sweet! i once one a $20 gift voucher, but thats it :D p.s. I'm your newest follower from (via 3 four and under blog hop)
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